Parent Handbook
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Herein lies the beginning of the Rules & Regulations in order to be a participant in Grupo Folklorico Sabor de Mexico
  1. Registration is due by the 1st Monday or Wednesday of each month.  Payable to the City of Carson at the registration office located by the back entrance.


Family scale is as follows:

  • $20-1st Child  IN 2007-$25
  • $16-2nd Child IN 2007-$20
  • $13-3rd Child IN 2007-$15
  • $9-4th child    IN 2007-$10
  • $6-5th Child   IN 2007-$5
  • $5-6th child or more (SAME PRICE)
  •  If you do not pay by the 2nd week, you will not be allowed in class.   If you don't pay within the next week, then you will be dropped from the class. If the class is full, you will be put on the waiting list.

You must show your receipt  to the CLASS REPRESENTATIVE as proof.  Keep your receipts.  Sometimes there might be a discrepancy.

Please note: registration only obligates the instructor to give you one class a week of instructionIt does not:

(1)Guarantee you the right to perform, since performing is a privelege and NOT A RIGHT.

(2)Allow you to "visit" or stay in another class whether it's a higher or lower dance level without prior approval of the instructor ONLY.

Waiting list

You must check with Irene ONLY to see if there is any availability in ANY CLASS.  If there isn't you must fill out a waiting list request via internet ONLY.

If you are on the waiting list and don't show up the 1st week the spot is available, you will be put at the end of the waiting list again.  No substitutions of  potential dancers are allowed.

Sabor de Mexico Artistic Policy

Mission Statement

Grupo Folklorico sabor de Mexico is dedicated to the preservation of the Mexican culture in order to foster better understanding amongst mainstream America and the Mexican people. We strive to accomplish this through learning, teaching and promoting traditional Mexican stories, music and dances.


The Performing Company is a component of Sabor de Mexico. It encompasses the Advanced Couples and at times Ninas Chulas.  New to the Performing Company is the debut of Sabor de Mexico Dance Company.  It is our goal to have our own professional dance company and we look forward to this new journey.  This is the part of the organization that is responsible for performing at the majority of engagements that are contracted by the organization, at self-produced programs, as well as on tours. Other components of Sabor de Mexico include the Pequenitas, Munchkins, Chiquitas Bonitas and Encantadoras. Sabor de Mexico is managed by the Performing Company Artistic Director, Irene Hernandez . If needed, the director shall get recommendations from the Board of Directors(if established) and subcommittees assigned.


Grupo Folklorico Sabor de Mexico members are dedicated to fulfilling the mission of the company through presentation of programs designed by the organization. It is understood that there are many personal benefits associated with being a member of Sabor de Mexico. However, the focus of any and all performers should be to present with the intent of giving, sharing and interpreting the program in the most professional, exceptional and passionate manner which is the trademark of Sabor de Mexico presentations. These dynamics are carried over into the rehearsals, training and all other Sabor de Mexico activities. Sabor de Mexico strives to present innovative works, which include the use of other disciplines. Sabor de Mexico members must be willing to explore and learn other disciplines or dance techniques including character acting, music, ballet etc.

Sabor de Mexico is a drug-free organization. Dancers, instructors, directors and staff shall not buy, sell, possess, use or be under the influence of any illegal drug and/or mind-altering substance. Violation of this policy may be grounds for termination from the company.

Sabor de Mexico is a weapon-free organization. Dancers, instructors, directors and staff shall not enter premises or performance sites porting any instruments (other than approved performance props, such as machetes) that are deemed violent in nature. Violation of this policy may be grounds for termination from the company.

Payment to individual performers or guests should not expect reimbursement for costs to attend a performance (i.e. gas, parking, entrance) This is usually not the norm and should not ever be expected.

Material taught in class may only be taught elsewhere with the permission of the Artistic Director. Sabor de Mexico signature pieces cannot be taught outside of Sabor de Mexico (examples: La Bruja, Sinaloa Suite from Spain, El Huizache etc.). When in doubt, ask Irene. It is of upmost respect that choreographies, combinations and suites are put together with much love, patience & research. It is direspectful to just pass these dances off "as your own" or more specifically to be used by "other groups" without the knowledge & approval of Irene.

Although we respect the individuality of each person and their decisions regarding personal appearance, Sabor de Mexico is an organization that will strive to maintain a dance company that conforms to professional uniformity and a positive image.   Among unacceptable appearances during  performances  and fundraisers specifically include:

  1. Facial piercings
  2. Excessive earrings(more than double pierced for girls)
  3. Ear Piercings for males
  4. Visible hickeys
  5. Extreme hair color(such as red, green, blue, orange etc.)


It is agreed that membership with Sabor de Mexico can be time demanding. Although, Irene strongly encourages developing your talent and will help to guide you to the level you'd like to attain, it's imperative and a sign of respect to inform the Artistic Director of your participation with other groups whether as a dancer or an instructor. Participation with other performing companies  is not to conflict with Sabor de Mexico's scheduled activities such as  (rehearsals, performances, etc.) All members, regardless of their standing or seniority with the company, are expected to abide by this Artistic Policy. Serious violations of this policy will be documented by Artistic Director and can result in removal from the company.

Any issues not covered in this policy will be left to the discretion of the Artistic Director and will be added later.


Practices are held two times per week. The Artistic Director may extend rehearsals or add extra days as needed. Currently, practices are held on Mondays from 5:00pm-9:00pm, Tuesdays form 5:00pm-6:00pm, Wednesdays from 5:00pm-9:00pm, Thursdays from 6:00pm-7:00pm and Fridays from 5:00pm-9:00pm. Each rehearsal may consist of warm-ups, technical instruction, review, and performance practice.

No "visiting" other classes without Irene's approval. This refers to dancers wanting "extra classes" or parents, friends etc. wanting to just "sit" in class.

All dancers should be prepared to arrive on time, ready to dance and stay for the entire rehearsal.  It is imperative that you bring your dance shoes and all accessories needed to facilitate  practice.  Please refer to the Performance and Practice Manual for specifications.

Dancers are considered late if not on the dance floor, fully prepared, by the scheduled start time.  Please call Irene ONLY if you are going to be late.  Excuses will not be accepted through "other dancers". See the Artistic Director for any exceptions. Excessive tardiness can penalized with being excluded from performances or ongoing new choreographies.

Men and women must wear black Sabor de Mexico shirts, or black shirts if it is dirty. shorts  Low slung pants, cut off Daisy Dukes and long, dragging pants are not acceptable.  People without the uniform can be penalized by being withdrawn from choreographies.

Women should always have the following items in their bags: dance shoes, black skirt, rebozo, paliacate, plus any event-specific props required by the Artistic Director. Refer to Practice List for specific requirements.

Men should always have the following items in their bags: boots, paliacate, machetes, plus any event-specific props required by the Artistic Director.

The Artistic Director must be ASKED  in advance if a guest has been invited to watch a rehearsal. It is up to Irene to decide whether or not your guest can stay.  Dancers will be held responsible for their guest(s) during their visit to the studio. Guests must remain inside of classroom at all times and should be observers and not "social distractions".

Practice common courtesy and use common sense when it comes to being involved as a member of Sabor de Mexico.  Dancers  as well as their family and friends should refrain from personal comments, criticism, gossip,or foul language during rehearsal, performances and fundraising hours.

It will be a SEVERE INFRACTION of the Code of Ethics and will be cause for IMMEDIATE REMOVAL for any dancer when a person directly tied to a dancer causes drama and gossip that results in division and lack of unity and tension within the group.  Remember it is a privilege to be in Sabor de Mexico.  Any concerns should be addressed through the "chain of command" which entails the class representatives, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS(if established) and Irene.  Any disruption to the learning environment, fundraisers or performances will result in immediate evaluation regarding future participation.

Female dancers  are required to wear their hair back in a bun during performances and practices.  They should keep bobby pins and/or  extra hair clips in their bags.

Men and women with long fingernails may be asked to clip them depending on the dance "activity" that requires short nails. Be especially conscientious when "partner dancing".


If there is an emergency or you are unable to attend  rehearsals, please call the Director or Class Parent at least one hour before class.

Special arrangements should be made with the Artistic Director in advance to accommodate work and other conflicting schedules.


This should be the exception and not the rule.  Do not intentionally schedule work, school projects or social gatherings during these hours assuming just because you "catch on quickly", you are not needed at practice.


Dancers must provide their vacation absence schedule to the Artistic Director in writing.


Dancers more than 30 minutes late to rehearsal without notice, may be pulled from choreography.


Significant rehearsal absence, trends in absence or tardiness, or general abuse of the attendance policy may result in termination from the  performance company.


Leaves and termination

       A leave of absence will only be granted for very special circumstances. Requests for Leave of Absence must be submitted in writing at least one month in advance to the Artistic Director. Consideration of the request will be done at the discretion of the Artistic Director and Board of Directors(if established).


Dancers that pass their "designated" leave are automatically terminated from the Performance Company, unless an extension is requested and approved by the Artistic Director and Board of Directors(if established). 


Special consideration will be given in case of crisis situations. Failure to come back at the agreed-upon time without further communication can result in termination from the group and placement on the waiting list.


Terminated dancers  may result due to causing emotional, physical, or verbal harm to a dancer, Board Member, Director or the downfall of Sabor de Mexico in general. Return to the Performing Company may be requested in writing addressed to the Board of Directors(if established), subcommittee and Director. Upon re­view, if accepted, the dancer will be placed on 3 months "probation" into the organization and  must again review and sign the Artistic Policy Contract. In addition a Behavior Contract will be signed by dancer & parents.


Classroom Rules



Turn off cells/pagers during rehearsals.

No gum.

Eating during rehearsal should not be done while you are in choreography or learning new steps.

Restroom/outside visits are permitted only during break. If a member leaves the classroom without permission, they may be removed from choreography that is being worked on.  If a dancer is exhibiting inappropriate behavior while in or out of the classroom i.e. public displays of affection, leaving trash, leaving premises,  taking excessively long breaks etc., a parent or guardian will be called.


All members are required to maintain the studio clean. Do not leave beverages,water bottles, candy wrappers, food wrappers etc. anywhere in the class or out of trash cans. 


It is prohibited to videotape or record rehearsals without the consent of the artistic director.  



  Sabor de Mexico will strive to set and announce performances, workshops and fundraisers as advanced as possible. This will enable members to plan for upcoming rehearsals, productions, workshops and events.  However, please keep in mind that participation as a dancer in Sabor de Mexico is a yearlong commitment.  There is no official “break”.

The Community Center will be closed the following holidays include (unless told otherwise by director), Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, and Thanksgiving.  Please keep in mind it may also include days off for Christmas & New Year’s Day. Spring holidays include: Martin Luther King, President’s day, Cesar Chavez day, and Memorial Day.  Occasionally we may need to schedule a rehearsal if we have a major performance coming up, but the Artistic Director will announce this in advanced. Time & place to be announced.



Dancers performing for both major and minor performances will be selected on a multi-faceted basis, including, but not limited to, the following: attendance, dance ability, stage presence, availability, and attitude. All decisions concerning a member’s participation, placement, and partners in a given dance or region will be made by the artistic director and need; not based on seniority or past performances.  


All Sabor de Mexico members are expected to be available to perform on a year long basis.  Performances can be on weekends, weekdays and sometimes on holidays.  This will always be on a volunteer basis. Performance dates will be announced as soon as possible. Dancers will not ever be obligated to perform. Dancers ARE NOT EMPLOYEES and SHOULD NEVER be EXPECTED to GET PAID or REIMBURSED for ANY INCURRED COSTS. However,  an evaluation will be made by the Director to decide whether or not a dancer will remain in the choreography in any given dance if a dancer misses practice or  is missing performances, especially if it compromises the choreography or the ability for a partner to perform.


A member’s unavailability to perform in a scheduled performance must be submitted in writing on a “Performance Absence Form”, stating the reason for any conflict, to the director with as soon as possible.  It becomes now your responsibility submit it in writing and also call the Director and Class Parent as a back up.


In case of an emergency, notify the director  as soon as possible.  If a dancer constantly has “emergencies” or doesn’t show up to a performance, they will get replaced in any dances the Director chooses.

Dancers must arrive with make-up and hair ready at the program site 1/2 hour before the performance. Major performances will require an earlier check-in time. Always arrive with your Sabor de Mexico shirt unless you have been asked to arrive in costume.  In some instances you will be allowed to arrive in “regular” clothes. Fundraisers & City of Carson events are “Sabor De Mexico” shirts ALWAYS!


Major performances have a strict schedule, which is to be followed closely.  If a dancer is not present at the scheduled arrival time, the director will have the option of excluding that dancer from the show and a future show.  Punctuality is a key factor to being a member in good standing.  Arriving causes unneeded stress to your fellow dancers, director & most of all “dance host”.


Any action that significantly compromises a major performance may result in probation or termination.   Public displays of affection ESPECIALLY IN COSTUME WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.  Regardless of your age, a conference will be held.  Any “hickeys” visible while in costume is automatic removal from the show and possibly future shows.


Respect others and do not take up too much space in the dressing area. Do not move or borrow other people’s belongings unless you have asked them


 If a dancer or guest is caught removing, relocating, borrowing or using others accessories or property without permission, than a conference will be held and that dancer will be removed from at least one performance (Director’s Choice only).


Parents and Guests should have prior clearance by Director. The Director has the right to choose who may or may not stay in the dressing room. First priority will go to the class parents. NO substitutions will be accepted if not approved by the Director.  Sometimes dressing room space is extremely limited & the director will choose who she feels will best help EVERYBODY get ready in the dressing room the quickest & fairest way possible. 


Parents or guests that are in dressing rooms will have to be on friendly “speaking” terms with the director.  Any parent or guest that cannot communicate with the Director DIRECTLY and NOT THROUGH OTHERS will not ever be asked to assist in the dressing room.  This is due to the fact that the Director must freely feel she can ask for assistance with dancers or setting up performances.


Any guest or parent that does not leave the dressing when asked, will be subject to immediate removal by whatever security is available.  In addition, you are subjecting whatever dancer you are affiliated with, suspension or termination especially if you are a parent or guardian.

If a guest, parent or dancer disrespects the Director with vulgarities, threats  or physical contact whether in the presence of others or alone, it will be an automatic conference  with the Board of DirectorsIf established) or subcommittee assigned by the director to determine the consequences which may include a fine, suspension or termination for both families, guests & dancer(s).



Remain “in character” while in costume. No drinking(especially alohol), eating, smoking, public displays of affection or using foul language ESPECIALLY WHILE IN COSTUME. Permission to eat under special circumstances will be left to the discretion of the Director.


If a dancer’s costume is “stained” or dirty due to not following directions and the costume cannot be cleaned & dried prior to the performance, they will be pulled out of the show & possible removed from that choreography permanently.


Costumes should be worn in accordance with the Costume Policy and the  Director’s instructions.  Do not modify your costumes or Sabor de Mexico shirts,warms ups, duffel bags etc. without the approval of the Director or you will be asked to purchase another “uniform”. Only Sabor de Mexico approved patches are allowed on the duffel bag.  NO EMBROIDERY, unless it is a group effort is allowed on the group’s shirts or warm ups. If you have previously embroidered something you may use it at PRACTICE ONLY, but not at events.  You may embroider your garment bags & Sombrero holders.  Duffel bags, shirts & warm ups will maintain the same style of embroidery.


You should be in full costume at all times. Do not walk around “half dressed” outside of the performing area.

Girls-especially DO NOT walk around just in your bloomers and skimpy tops.  UNACCEPTABLE!

Makeup for girls is required for all stage performances.  SEE Make-up LIST for a list of items needed.

No one should leave the dressing room without first checking that nothing is left behind as a courtesy to your fellow dancers.  Make sure everything is picked up and the dressing rooms are cleaned.  



Because we are looked at as  a “high quality”  group, we must maintain a sharp group image. We strive for uniformity on and off stage . Sabor de Mexico’s dance suites often represent a time period or special locale. For aesthetic as well as practical reasons, dancers must conform to the standards listed below. Dancers must do whatever is necessary to meet the presentation requirements. Following are some examples:

There will be no public use of foul language or expressions during performances. If used, you may be subject to be suspension or termination or other consequence.


Any public show of affection is prohibited.  This is especially the case while in costume, and any Sabor de Mexico gear.

Members are reminded to act in a respectful manner towards all. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.  Especially not tolerated will be inappropriate behavior with adult dancers age 18 & over and minor aged dancers regardless if your parents approve of your relationship.  You will NOT be allowed to have ANY public displays of affection while in costume, or while in Sabor de Mexico gear.  Both dancers may be subject to suspension, or termination after an initial conference with the Board. Please ask questions regarding legalities.


Performers with very long nails must clip them for regions (such as Durango) that require dancers to maintain a firm grasp of the hand.

Men or women with extreme fashion statements, whether relating to hair design, body piercing, or body art must be able to camouflage their extremes to the satisfaction of the Artistic Director. Failure to do so will prevent the dancer from participating/performing.


Men must wear white undergarments, including a plain, white T-shirt (Jalisco, Colima, Norte, etc.) and a plain white athletic shirt (Veracruz, San Luis Potosi) underneath their costume shirt. White boxer briefs for men are required for white and “manta” pants. 


Women are required to wear white or light colored underwear under their bloomers. White bra or tank top should be worn under costumes.  The only exception for using a black bra would be Chihuahua & Azteca.  You must maintain slicked back hair, a fake ponytail and “mayas”.


Costumes for all performers must be clean, mended and pressed. Boots and shoes must be polished.


Please refer to performance & practice list for complete explanation. Ask questions if unsure.



Communication is important. It is expected that questions or comments be directed to the proper person for answers or clarification at the appropriate time. Sabor de Mexico has several methods of communicating information, for example via:


1.       Sabor de Mexico’s  handbook

2.       Website

3.       Bulletins, Letters, Memos and Flyers

4.       Board meetings (if established)

5.       Special Meetings

6.       Verbal Communication/Email/Phone Tree

7.       Rehearsal Announcements

8.       Business phone(310)549-7343

Sabor de Mexico company members are expected to keep up with the information distributed and to keep themselves informed of activities, projects and meetings, which impact them.  It is your sole responsibility to ask for information regarding bulletins, updates etc.




Board of Directors Meetings (if established)

 Board meetings will be held each month.  Locations will be announced through the bulletin. These monthly meetings are established so that the Performing Company dancers can participate in decision making, constructive proposals, fundraising planning, etc. These meetings will also be a forum for information dissemination. Sabor de Mexico suggestions and grievances should be discussed at these meetings, and only at these meetings. Personal disagreements should be discussed with the director before any other member.  You must request to be put on the agenda with details regarding request.  Only Board members will make final decisions regarding items on agenda.


No recording devices, texting, or conference calling allowed until approved by the Board.  The Board has the right to meet in private for Closed Session.  The Board also maintains the right to ask anyone to leave.


President-Irene Hernandez



 Costume Policy

Required Costume Pieces


All women must have a “doble vuelo” black practice skirt within one month of entering the company. They must also maintain a practice bag with a bandana and a fan.

Women must own the following costume pieces and/or accessories:  red paleacates, huaraches, red  shoes, black  shoes, black and white boots, long white slip, short white slip, bloomers, Jalisco rebozo, gold “filigrana” earrings.

Check  class costume list for specifics

Men must own the following costume pieces and/or accessories: black and white boots, red sash, red (Mexican) paleacates, huaraches, norte hat, jalisco hat, white hat, etc. sarape and machetes. Other items include: white pants, manta pants, manta shirt, and long-sleeve white guayabera veracruzana.

See costume list for a complete list of items per state.



Use of Costumes/Accessories etc.


Company Members may check out costumes for use at Sabor de Mexico  presentations and performances. For non ­Sabor de Mexico events, approval must be obtained from the Artistic Director who would then make a decision whether or not that costume/ accessory etc. may be borrowed.

Other people performing at a Sabor de Mexico function must sign a contract that would be legally binding. This contract will include the date the costumes or accessories were checked out, when they are due and stipulations for lost or damaged items. Dancers and their families/guardians will be legally responsible for a full replacement of a new item regardless of how old or used the costume/ accessory that was borrowed was.  Estimates, when borrowed, will be given in regards to replacement value.  Keep in mind this is just an estimate.  Three estimates will be given in regards to a replacement if something is lost or damaged. 

Company Members may also check out costumes for educational purposes (workshops, demonstrations.) Approval must be received from the Artistic Director ONLY.


Check-out Procedures for  performances


It should be understood that the Director will not be interrupted during rehearsals or performances to check costumes/accessories in or out.   It is your responsibility to PUT IN WRITING your request & follow up with a phone call to Sabor de Mexico’s main number (310)549-7343.  Leave a message in order to have your request filled.




Costumes/accessories will be checked out and written in the log book. The date of issuance will be noted. Dancers will sign or initial all costume check-outs. Please note any problems with your costumes/accessories before leaving the Director. You will be held responsible for repairs/replacement.


Check-in Procedure


Costumes/accessories must be returned immediately following a performance unless performing that region within two weeks of due date. They must be returned washed or dry-cleaned (unless otherwise told), repaired and in good condition. If you are unclear about the proper cleaning care, do not wash or dry clean. Check with Director first.  If damaged due to improper cleaning, whether or not it was an accident, it will still require full replacement.


The use of company costumes/accessories is a privilege and should be treated as such. People who abuse this privilege will not be granted the privilege of checking out additional costumes/accessories. You will be charged $5 a week for late returns of costumes/accessories.  Refusal of returning items belonging to Sabor de Mexico will result in litigation.

Costumes will not be accepted as “usable” if they are returned soiled or damaged. They must be cleaned, repaired, or replaced immediately.


Allowances will be made for normal wear, such as discoloration, but not if it has been improperly stored or exposed to the sun for a long period of time.


DO NOT ALTER costumes without bringing the costume in PERSONALLY to the Director.  She will advise you of what is acceptable “altering”.  Altering or adding to a costume without permission of the Director could result in a dancer not performing if the costume has varied from the “uniformity” of others.  It does NOT MATTER if the costume is 100% yours or Sabor de Mexico’s.


Lost/Stolen Costumes Accessories


The person responsible for checking out the lost item must replace costumes or accessories that are lost or stolen. Items must be replaced within one month, or immediately if it is needed for an upcoming performance. If the item is not replaced, then they must reimburse the company for the current market value plus the labor to replace that item.



   A student will become a member of the Sabor de Mexico Performing Company based on the director’s decision that the dancer is qualified based on their ability, skill, effort, spirit, behavior, attendance, and attitude.


A signed Emergency Consent & Release form must be on file with your application.  Current phone numbers and emails should be on file for rescheduling purposes.


Members should address the Director and any guest instructor with respect.  What your personal relationship with him/her outside of class is irrelevant.  Talking back & socializing during class time will not be tolerated.  Consequences include but are not limited to the class doing sit-ups or push ups.  Individual consequences include but are not limited to being asked to leave class, doing individual sit ups or push ups and/or verbal warning and/or conference alone or with parent/guardian.


As a condition of membership, all members must agree to assign and grant Sabor de Mexico the right and permission to copyright, use and publish any photographs, recorded images, and voices of members taken in the course of Sabor de Mexico performances and activities.  This is to be done freely and without any type of reimbursement.


All members and candidates must pay the required registration per month and ON TIME. This fee includes 40% of each registration which currently goes directly to the City of Carson. This fee will be due the first Monday or Wednesday of the month. If you do not pay by the first week, you will get a verbal reminder. If you do not pay by the end of the month, you may not return until you are caught up with payments.  You may  lose your spot if there is someone on the waiting list at your class level. You must show proof of receipt to the class representative or a Board member that can document the receipt number, amount, date & person writing out the receipt.  Keep your receipts FOR ONE YEAR, especially if you pay cash in case of an audit.  


The minimum age for Sabor de Mexico members is five years old..  Members under the age of eighteen must provide an additional parent permission and liability waiver.  There will be no allowances made to students who are minors. 


All dancers entering Sabor de Mexico must go through a probationary process to become a member. All new candidates will be automatically placed on three months probation. During this time, the Director will determine whether full membership is attainable.  As a reminder your registration covers INSTRUCTION ONLY and does not OBLIGATE the Director to have you perform at ANY TIME.



An optional method to enter the company although the class may be full is via invitation of the Director and/or recommendation from other instructors.   


New Performing Company dancers will be assigned an hermano/hermana. Typically an experienced dancer in good standing,  they will provide guidance and information to the new dancer. They will be key to assuring that the new dancer understands and adheres to the Artistic Policy.


Performing Company dancers that experience the most traveling and practice will be able to particpate and suggest modifications to this handbook once a year in August.


Performing Company dancers are required to attend two weekly rehearsals as well as any special rehearsals that might be held for a specific project, event, or tour. All dancers are expected to be on time at every rehearsal.  You must be responsible for calling Irene or your class representative.



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All costs are incurred by the dancer.  We will try to have fundraisers to help you offset any expenditures.